Tuesday, January 26, 2016

2nd Grade Guidance

Don't be a Space Invader! Second Graders learned about  personal space. We read Personal Space Camp, by Julia Cook, and used hula-hoops to determine our own comfortable personal space. Second grade students also learned about 4 types of personal space: hearing space, seeing space, body space, and property space.

Amy Barker
School Counselor

3rd Grade Guidance

Woodland 3rd Graders explored what it means to be a Great Classmate! They worked in groups
to complete the 4 “Great Classmate” categories. Below is a small sample of what they came up with.

A great classmate IS…..a good sport, respectful

A great classmate DOES……help others, say kind things

A great classmate SAYS….”Are you ok?”, “Please”

A great classmate IS NOT……mean, selfish

1st Grade Guidance

First Grade learned about Empathy today! We read How do i Stand in your Shoes?, by Susan DeBell, Ph.D.  In the story, Miranda Peabody learns that empathy means trying to understand how her classmates feel. Of course if we're trying to understand how others feel we have to a good feeling words vocabulary! We learned new feeling words using a silly Mood Swings flip chart. First grade students also practiced showing empathy by guessing how my stuffed animal friend felt when he could not find his favorite toy this morning and when he got into my desk drawer and ate a whole bag of chocolate candy! The students demonstrated this by either writing feeling words or drawing a picture and sharing the feeling words.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

SK Guidance

Hooray for SK! We kicked off SK classroom guidance by talking about friendships. We read How To Lose All Your Friends, by Nancy Carlson. We then completed an activity using food coloring to show how behaviors can affect the whole classroom. SK students came up with ways to make and keep friends. I’ve included some of those below. I will be doing many more fun activities with SK this year!

Amy Barker
School Counselor

Be nice to others
Don’t fight
Never take things
Invite people to play
Hands to self
Help friends when hurt
Say thank you
Play with others
Help friends do things